Embrace Vanity
I Had to Love My Body so I Could Like It.
Vanity often gets a bad rap. But I believe our creator added the feature to keep us in line. To keep us healthy. Vanity can be the very thing that keeps you taking care of your mental and physical health.
Just about too much of anything can be obnoxious, annoying or even dangerous in some cases. So I’m not suggesting vanity be your top priority. But to simply say it has purpose.
In my case it didn’t start out as vanity to get to peak wellness. I had some health challenges I’ll be talking about in other posts that made me make the initial changes in my health and fitness.
Once I regained my health from the inside, I began to focus on my outside. Looking in the mirror and seeing photos of myself didn’t bring me joy. Instead, I’d think, ugh…, these age spots. Ugh, these lip lines. Ugh, these wrinkles over my knees. Ugh, just about everything in the way I looked that can’t be changed through diet or exercise.
Even though in my health journey I’ve lost several pounds, and gained muscle, I still didn’t “like” my body.
Tough Love Ladies.
What’s a woman to do? I stripped down and faced myself in the mirror. I really looked at myself. When the “ugh” started to well up in my mind, I demanded it to shut up. In that moment I praised my body. As if she were a friend, and not me. From toe to head I thanked every part of her for getting me to this age. When I think of the abuses I’ve made her endure over the years I felt true compassion for her. Think of it. How your body has carried you through some torturous behavior. I’m not just talking food, alcohol, drugs. But I have two caesareans, and my uterus taken out. Ouch.
And yet here she is. Still carrying me through. After 64 years she is telling me loud and clear she is now the boss. Take care of her or suffer the consequences.
First Up, No More Bullying.
I’m not a bully. To anyone else. But my own body, how could I? No more. I look in the mirror and tell her how much I appreciate her. She’s amazing and I have nothing but gratitude for her. I show it by eating healthy and exercising. It’s only fair. After all 64 years is a long time to take her for granted.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Does this mean I now magically see myself in the mirror and think; “Awesome, you look fantastic!” Oh hell no, my brain needs training. Major training! It has set its sights on the flaws for so long it’s the path of least resistance to hold onto those negative thoughts. But I know, and you know, we can change our minds through persistence and actions. So when my initial reaction is “ugh”, I immediately say out loud; “Hello beautiful!”, and then I find something to compliment my body for. Your body has lots to choose from. There is more than just your facade that makes you beautiful. This morning I thanked her for my ears as I was listening to the birds singing their morning song. I started to smile as I walked outside to hear more.
And then I reached the seemingly bottomless steps on the property. Giant gratitude for my legs and joints that have no pain. What are you loving about your body today?