Meet Melissa.
This website is me leaping before I look. Taking action before I have the precise knowledge of where I’m going with it. Up to this point, I’d share stories, experiences, humor and recipes on Facebook. I received the general thumbs up, heart and care emojis. But I’d also get two or three people (out of 80 or so) that genuinely wanted me to write more, share more. Two or three out of 80 is not much. So why put the effort into a blog site? Why not just journal?
Connection. I had the feeling of kinship from those couple of women. I want to encourage that sense of belonging.

My hope is to share my adventures, vulnerabilities, and inspirations, as well as recipes for food, fun, and fitness with women who want to share as well.
I’m currently an Estate Manager (5 years), but in my previous life as a Professional Photographer, (35 years) I’ve had to create “About Me” pages on my websites. It’s just as challenging now as it was then. Maybe more so. How do I put into words 64 years of about me? Which me? The public, private, mother, wife, sister, friend, yesterday, this minute, the fearless, or scared shitless me? I guess that will be revealed.
My hair is turning silver. I’m at an age where I have time to give attention to my wellness and curiosities. I’m blooming.